
joining the working people of america

this week i officially bid adieu to student life and joined working america. i started my first real job with a public accounting firm ernst & young, which means a few things:

i work at gateway and fear i will spend a lot of time shopping at anthro, j.crew, urban, and other fantastical stores.
i commute from orem which is ridiculously far south of salt lake.
i won't be joining the fam at lake powell this summer.
i now have four cpa tests to take and studying is just miserable.
the mr. and i put an offer on a house and we're waiting to here.
i am a contributing member of society - boo-yea!


miccolene said...


Need house details immediately.

Candace said...

so the house is pretty adorable. it's a rambler (my favorite), peach and blue on the outside, located in traverse mountain (eek! i hope i don't hate my life), & built in '06.

the mega downside is it's a short sale. so we're just waiting, waiting, waiting.

where are you and jazz going? we could be neighbors.

Russ said...

good luck with the new job. I am excited you guys found a house!

Russ said...

by the way this is emily, not russ

VoNique said...

Does this mean we're going to see you less than we already do? Because that's just not acceptable. When are we going to play again? I'm scheduled tonight and tomorrow night, but not Sunday. (On Sat I'll get my schedule for the next week.) Let's play!

Michelle said...


Rebecca said...

are you surviving your business trips? whoa how official does business trip sound? i'm thinking a gateway dinner meeting is a must!


Jessica and Reece said...

I'm so jealous! But so happy for both of you. Keep us posted on the house! I want to see pictures!

The Cox Family said...

Good luck with your new job. good luck on your house as well shirlyn

Anonymous said...

Candance, the office is just not the same without you. Save me?! Hope E&Y is treating you nicely!

Chelsea said...

hey i'm finally back! let's get together if you can manage it with your busy work schedule:). hope that's going well. keep me posted on the house!

Ryan ♥ Breelyn said...

YAY! CONGRATS! I am so very proud and excited for you! You're all grown up! :)
Best of luck on the house! Keep us posted!
You'll love Salt Lake!