

{me and my pops circa 1800}

today marks 23 years of life for me.
i'm spending the day with the mr. and tonight at the lehi round-up ro dae o with the family. yee-haw cowgirl.

i'm excited for year 23!
this year i am no longer a student.
this year i will decorate a house of my own.
this year i have real employment.
this year i {might} create a wedding album.
this year i will enjoy.


Rebecca said...

yay! its your happy day! cute pic of you and chipper! little itty bitty candace! I love you!

Rebecca said...

ps just noticed that it said "circa 1800" pretty much amazing! caroline and i got a good laugh!

The Cox Family said...

Happy be-lated birthday. Sounds like you had a great day Shirlyn

The Cox Family said...

Happy be-lated birthday. Sounds like you had a great day Shirlyn

VK said...

A little late, but happy 23rd! My Kathryn is 23 and it is her favorite number (which I realize sounds a bit bizzare, but she has high hopes for the year because of it).
I wish you'd have gotten to know her while she lived in UT for the greater part of 4 years, but ...
Your Daddy is soooo cute in this picture, not to mention his little blond baby girl. Hey to him!
Good luck on the CPA's

Jen said...

I love the picture. So cute!