
Graduation Celebration

Although I should be writing a research paper discussing international intellectual property right laws and enforcement--YUCK,

I'm researching potential graudation trips for J and me.

Option 1: Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

It's new to both of us, direct flights leave SLC daily, plus the sun, sand and a margarita could do a lot to calm my nerves in April. Cabo gets my vote.

Option 2: San Diego

I've never been. Jared is a fan. This spot proves more affordable as we could definitely drive the Jettstar. Plus the weather has to be warmer than Provo, and who can say no to the beach?Thumbs up here.

Option 3: Italy

Two words: yeah right. May 2 my cousin Claudia weds her fiance in the Leini church. Sigh. I need to quickly face the fact that I'm not going.

Someday this will be my dream come true to take Jared with me and show him every square inch of this blessed country.


All options break the buget (there really is no budget--it's called debt), but you're only graduates once. Any other stellar ideas?


Bethany said...

More student loans! Take a great trip! It gets tricky when the kiddos start coming (we're attempting Disneyland with an 8-month-old). OR, save money and come visit us in good ol' Seattle. We'll be settled in by then and cursing you for staying far away in SLC.

Jessica and Reece said...

Just go to Italy. We are so broke (especially since we purchased airline tickets), but we figure we may never get the chance to do it again, at least not without the kids :) Come with us!

miccolene said...

Cabo totally has my vote. Cmon, how awesome would it be to go sit it the sun while it SNOWS here? Just do it.

Dani Marie said...

I vote for Cabo! Soak in the sunshine. What other time will you be able to do this?! Just go for it!

UGH- B Law. I'm sorry you have to deal with that right now! I know your pain. I had that class last semester. Hang in there!

Unknown said...

Italy is really your only choice. But let's say that in some catastrophic event Italy is completely wiped off the face of the earth...i'd go with Cabo.

Erin Masi said...

Most definitely Italy. Hands down. Although-Cabo is fantastic. I went with the fam last year after school got out. Definitely made the top 5 list of vacations!!