
The Need for Modern Amnemities

Ever wondered what life would be like without a Dishwasher? Wait, a Toaster too? It's terrible. Both Jared and I declare that we hate doing dishes, especially by hand. The dish situation at our apartment reminds me of camping where you always conserve and re-use every dish possible before washing it. It's kind of gross, but I'm telling you it beats the alternative of cleaning even more dishes.

As for the toaster... We both love and adore Costco bagels, mostly the cheese flavor, and were fortunate to pick some up yesterday. We actually visited a Costco in Kirkland, the hometown of the great enterprise. which is kind of cool for all of you Costco lovers. So after we got the bagels we realized we have no toaster. My creative husband is heating the oven to broil our bagels! Despite the fact that broiling a bagel might take 15 minutes, it's a great alternative to owning a toaster.


Jessica and Reece said...

Sounds like our first apartment, although we did get a fabulous toaster/oven for our wedding. We really couldn't live without it.

Jessica said...

Candace!! YAY! I am so glad you found me on here. I think about you all the time! How are you?? How is Seatle? Your pictures are so cute! It looks like you are doing so good... good for you, you deserve it! How was the 4th? Did you do anything fun?

Chelsea said...

Hey, your house is cute! Are you feeling settled? I miss you!

Scott and Brittany said...

Hey don't think I'm weird, but I found your blog page through Chels. Did you guys move? How the heck are ya? We have some major catching up to do!!! Love your pics!!