image from here.
you know that feeling? where life seems a little too good to be true and you wish you could use your dvr to hit pause cause you know it can't last?
i just wrapped up "busy" season at work. it proved to be a little more stressful and brutal than i planned. my deserted blog could have led you to these conclusions. but i'm alive and i'm proud to say i made it.
we move this week,
i have a concert with the ladies,
fall is in the air,
and the holidays are nearing.
so much time with the mr.! (although he's happiest smack in front of the tv with football.)
what's not to love? happy september 15 to my fellow nerds!
Candace I am SO with you. The idea of fall/Halloween/Holiday season makes me absolutely GIDDY! Plus the whole baby on the way thing is exciting. Anyway, I hope you are recovering from work!
Love the new house. That is great it is so close to work. I am jealous that fall is there. That is the one time of year I miss. Shirlyn
i bet you are freaking out over the idea of decor in a new place! i am so glad for you. though, glancing at your blog title, i saw the word baby and almost peeded my pants. oh well. someday. lol
Thanks for the shout-out! I was enjoying mocking all those who had already started work and were suffering through the busy season since I'm not slotted to start until Oct. 19th. Little did I know my Dad would fly me back to Orem to help him survive the Sep 15th deadline. I totally deserved that. I'd ask to hear the horror stories (a guy in my ward wasn't coming home until 2am, 4am, 10am, etc.), but I probably don't want to know. *eek* Love your blog!
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