
Wedding Photo Reshoot

I have all of the pictures from our "wedding day," aka reshoot 2 months ago. Check it out.

Bare with me. I promise this is the end of wedding photos. Pretend like you care this last time, and then they will all go away to a photo album. Pleeeease.

As far as something for the wall, I really like the last photo. I could do without the darkened edges, but I like what's happening in the background and just the whole setting. It's timeless.


Keri Cranmer said...

The pictures are beautiful. What a lot of work to have to shoot them all again, you're a good sport! I love checking on your blog, you are so good about keeping it updated! I was telling your mom what she has to do to check it out, I think you need to email her some instructions. Love you guys!

ms-mclaws said...

Ok so although I'm sure that was really sad and annoying that he lost all your pics, it's kind of cool that you guys got round 2 of your wedding! I mean, what girl doesn't want to get dressed up again and put on her wedding dress almost a year after the big day?!? you are the luckiest girl in the world!!

PS. The pictures are beautiful :)

Chelsea said...

Very nice. You even fooled me into thinking it was the real thing.

VoNique said...

Those are gorgeous! I want to re-do our wedding pictures! Our photographer and videographer both were crap! Is it too late to have a do-over 6 years later? = ) I think you guys should enlarge the one of you guys walking to the temple. Way cute!