01. Learn how to sew by making a blanket with Grandma. I’ve never touched a sewing machine before in my life, and even more pathetically I’ve never attempted to attach a button to a shirt! When I'm in a bind Grandma is always available to help out. Thank you Grandma for being the wonderful seamstress you are! I’m going for the Anthropologie bedspread type pick-stitch look (see fabric swatches below). I think it’s adorable with all of the fun colors and patterns! Now, I just need to cross my fingers and hope this learning curve is a little better than the cooking one was to me.

02. Create a wedding album. We are nearly one year after the fact, and there isn’t much organization to the matter. I have collected pics from all of my family, and we did a reshoot with the photographer. Now, I need to decide how to compile all of the pics and turn the album into my wedding memory book to have forever. Ideas?
03. Become a yoga master. When I’m back in Provo I’m going back to yoga. I want to practice, practice, practice so I can get really good. Other benefits include me being more relaxed. I have a tendency to be intense and stress about everything, especially school, and yoga really takes it down a notch for me and makes me relax. Namaste. (picture hands pressed together in prayer formation with head bowing)
04. Be a loving and supportive wife by joining Jared at BYU games. It's fun to be part of the huge student body, and our college days are definitely winding down. I'll sport my white and blue and cheer for the cougars of BYU!

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about your fabulously pampered intern life this summer. But I must say, I am excited for the Lishes to be back in UTah!
Football season can't be worse than watching Nascar. its usually 4 hours long, round and round in circles, lots of red necks... its awful.
are those real fabric swatches? If so where did you get them? so adorable.
Yes, those fabrics are from http://www.purlsoho.com/purl/products/fabric. Purl Soho sales tons of really hip designs. I love browsing the site. Their fabrics are a large improvement on what can be found at a typical fabric store.
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