
a birth story, part ii

ok, where were we? after the doctor broke my water, she left and i didn't see her again until that evening. at 5 pm after being on pitocin for six hours, i was discouragingly still only at 4 cm. yikes! i really really wanted to avoid a c-section if it was possible, but my thoughts turned towards one when i wasn't progressing. the doctor planned to come see me following her office hours, but another delivery later i didn't see her for a while. around 8 pm, i noticed intense pressure and a feeling of needing to push. i talked to the nurse and she was super positive about what i was feeling. i kept the epidural dosage as low as i could. i could feel both of my legs, my contractions and i could even move one leg throughout labor.

the doctor came at 8:30 pm and was happily surprised that i was fully dilated and that the baby had descended! score. i started pushing. jared encouraged me every couple of minutes, almost like he was cheering for football on a saturday. he had so much excitement bottled up that came oozing out. the atmosphere was very relaxed and we were all laughing and chatting in between pushing.

forty minutes later at 9:14 pm on tuesday, october 9 we welcomed a chubby, warm, healthy baby girl. 8 pounds 12 ounces and 21 inches long. her head of dark hair surprised me more than any other feature as i held her tight and stared at her tiny little body.

photos by heather telford who captured this happiest moment so beautifully.


Katie said...

Love the pictures and enjoyed the story!

Chelsea said...

so glad you were able to have those pictures done...that will be an awesome memory. i'm getting so excited to meet this sweet emery. call me when you get a chance!

miccolene said...

What a beautiful story! Love all the pictures , especially the ones of your mom and dad! So glad she is here healthy and happy.

VoNique said...

Awww, how sweet. This makes me teary! What beautiful pictures of such a cute baby and beautiful new family.

Kim and Preston said...

So wonderful! That is so great that you have such cute photos to capture the moment.