
Killer Boots

{Jared and best friend "Pete"}

Jared digs a good looking pair of boots. He's acquired quite the collection over the years.

I, on the other hand, found these beauties today on Piperlime:

I think they are so fun. They ring up at $60.


Rebecca said...

Nice!! You found some!!! I love them!! (For the record, they are way cuter than Jared's boots!) I can wait to see them... and and YOU!!!! So excited I am coming back... you better be making a list of all the things we must do: decorate, Cafe Rio, the MAC counter... see you so soon....xoxoxo

Marce said...

oooo, i might have to add that to my christmas wish list....how lovely are those!

Jessica and Reece said...

Those are fun! And you would rock them :) I say, go for it!